Guillem Hurault

Guillem Hurault

Senior Data Scientist

CFP Energy

I am a Senior Data Scientist at CFP Energy where I develop statistical and machine learning models to forecast electricity prices and demand.

Before this, I worked as a Data Scientist at Pythia Sports to predict the outcome of sports events. I started my career as a researcher at Imperial College London in the Biological Control Systems Lab specialising in Bayesian modelling and time-series to predict and control eczema.

  • Statistics & Machine Learning
  • Bayesian modelling
  • Time-series forecasting
  • Decision analysis
  • Software engineering
  • PhD in Statistical Machine Learning, 2022

    Imperial College London (UK)

  • Master in Engineering, 2018

    Ecole Centrale de Lyon (FR)

  • MSc in Biomedical Engineering, 2017

    Imperial College London (UK)

  • Bachelor in Economics, 2016

    Université Lyon 2 (FR)


PhD project

PhD project

Towards a data-driven personalised management of Atopic Dermatitis severity.

Reproducible R Workflow

Reproducible R Workflow

Example reproducible workflow in R.



R package to predict eczema.



Making streetmaps using OpenStreetMap and ggplot2 in R.

Football Prediction

Football Prediction

Modelling football outcomes in Stan.

LaTeX Templates

LaTeX Templates

Custom style files for LaTeX documents.



Personal R package.

Calcium imaging

Calcium imaging

Shiny app for calcium imaging curve analysis.

Lokta-Volterra competition model in Stan

Lokta-Volterra competition model in Stan

Fitting a two-species Lokta-Volterra competition model using data from multiple experiments in Stan.



Case study comparing different regularisation methods for statistics and Machine Learning.

Selected Publications

(2024). Data-driven personalised recommendations for eczema treatment using a Bayesian model of severity dynamics. medRxiv.

Code DOI

(2024). Evaluation of measurement errors in the Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure (POEM) outcome. Clinical and Experimental Allergy.

Cite Code DOI

(2022). EczemaPred: A computational framework for personalised prediction of eczema severity dynamics. Clinical and Translational Allergy.

Cite Code DOI R Package

(2022). Detecting eczema areas in digital images: an impossible task?. JID Innovations.

Cite Code DOI MedRxiv

(2022). Can serum biomarkers predict the outcome of systemic immunosuppressive therapy in adult atopic dermatitis patients?. Skin and Health Disease.

Cite Code DOI MedRxiv