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Fit an EczemaModel


EczemaFit(model, train, test, ...)

# S3 method for EczemaModel
EczemaFit(model, train, test = NULL, ...)





Training dataframe (see details below)


Testing dataframe (see details below)


Arguments to pass to rstan::sampling()


Stanfit object

Data format

All models except "MC"

  • train and test should have the columns Patient (patient ID), Time (timepoint) and Score (score to model).

  • Patient should take integer values between 1 and the number of patients in the training set.

  • Time should take integer (so discrete) values and starts with one for every patient.

  • Score should take values between 0 and max_score.

  • Missing values are not allowed (but Time values are not necessarily consecutive, for example if Score at t=5 is missing, but not at t=4 and t=6, just remove t=5).

"MC" model

  • train and test should have columns y0 (for the current state), y1 (for the next state) and dt (for the time delay between states).

  • y0 and y1 should take integer values between 1 and K.

  • dt should take integer values greater than or equal to 1.

  • Missing values are not allowed.


if (FALSE) {
model <- EczemaModel("BinRW", max_score = 100)
train <- data.frame(Patient = 1, Time = 1:10, Score = rbinom(10, 100, .5))
EczemaFit(model, train)