The distribution can be extracted as:

  • a probability density function (type = "continuous"), cf. extract_pdf().

  • a probability mass function (type = "discrete"), cf. extract_pmf().

  • a series of equal-tailed confidence/credible intervals (type = "eti"), cf. extract_ci().

  • a series of highest density confidence/credible intervals (type = "hdi"), cf. extract_ci().

  parName = "",
  type = c("continuous", "discrete", "eti", "hdi"),
  transform = identity,



Object specifying the distribution as samples: can be a Stanfit object, a matrix (columns represents parameters, rows samples) or a vector.


Name of the parameter to extract.


Indicates how the distribution is summarised.


Function to apply to the samples.


Arguments to pass to extract_pmf(), extract_pdf() or extract_ci() depending on type.


Dataframe. The columns depends on the method that is used (see specific function for details).


This function can notably be used to prepare the data for plotting fan charts when type = "eti" or "hdi". In that case, the ggdist package offers an alternative with ggdist::stat_lineribbon().

See also

extract_draws() for extracting draws of an object.


extract_distribution(runif(1e2), type = "continuous", support = c(0, 1))
#>           Value   Density Index Variable
#> 1   0.000000000 0.2310927    NA         
#> 2   0.007874016 0.2500776    NA         
#> 3   0.015748031 0.2698285    NA         
#> 4   0.023622047 0.2903139    NA         
#> 5   0.031496063 0.3115288    NA         
#> 6   0.039370079 0.3334813    NA         
#> 7   0.047244094 0.3561333    NA         
#> 8   0.055118110 0.3794820    NA         
#> 9   0.062992126 0.4035627    NA         
#> 10  0.070866142 0.4283568    NA         
#> 11  0.078740157 0.4538700    NA         
#> 12  0.086614173 0.4801357    NA         
#> 13  0.094488189 0.5071800    NA         
#> 14  0.102362205 0.5349967    NA         
#> 15  0.110236220 0.5636011    NA         
#> 16  0.118110236 0.5930477    NA         
#> 17  0.125984252 0.6232913    NA         
#> 18  0.133858268 0.6543178    NA         
#> 19  0.141732283 0.6861199    NA         
#> 20  0.149606299 0.7186330    NA         
#> 21  0.157480315 0.7517607    NA         
#> 22  0.165354331 0.7854003    NA         
#> 23  0.173228346 0.8194197    NA         
#> 24  0.181102362 0.8536247    NA         
#> 25  0.188976378 0.8878133    NA         
#> 26  0.196850394 0.9217322    NA         
#> 27  0.204724409 0.9551117    NA         
#> 28  0.212598425 0.9876694    NA         
#> 29  0.220472441 1.0190732    NA         
#> 30  0.228346457 1.0489609    NA         
#> 31  0.236220472 1.0770563    NA         
#> 32  0.244094488 1.1030454    NA         
#> 33  0.251968504 1.1264868    NA         
#> 34  0.259842520 1.1472101    NA         
#> 35  0.267716535 1.1649842    NA         
#> 36  0.275590551 1.1795126    NA         
#> 37  0.283464567 1.1906442    NA         
#> 38  0.291338583 1.1983768    NA         
#> 39  0.299212598 1.2026614    NA         
#> 40  0.307086614 1.2033857    NA         
#> 41  0.314960630 1.2008300    NA         
#> 42  0.322834646 1.1951628    NA         
#> 43  0.330708661 1.1865099    NA         
#> 44  0.338582677 1.1752386    NA         
#> 45  0.346456693 1.1617355    NA         
#> 46  0.354330709 1.1463528    NA         
#> 47  0.362204724 1.1294867    NA         
#> 48  0.370078740 1.1116371    NA         
#> 49  0.377952756 1.0932375    NA         
#> 50  0.385826772 1.0747321    NA         
#> 51  0.393700787 1.0565638    NA         
#> 52  0.401574803 1.0391230    NA         
#> 53  0.409448819 1.0228024    NA         
#> 54  0.417322835 1.0079468    NA         
#> 55  0.425196850 0.9947849    NA         
#> 56  0.433070866 0.9835333    NA         
#> 57  0.440944882 0.9744661    NA         
#> 58  0.448818898 0.9675751    NA         
#> 59  0.456692913 0.9629044    NA         
#> 60  0.464566929 0.9605240    NA         
#> 61  0.472440945 0.9603428    NA         
#> 62  0.480314961 0.9622127    NA         
#> 63  0.488188976 0.9660176    NA         
#> 64  0.496062992 0.9716381    NA         
#> 65  0.503937008 0.9787985    NA         
#> 66  0.511811024 0.9872931    NA         
#> 67  0.519685039 0.9969489    NA         
#> 68  0.527559055 1.0075005    NA         
#> 69  0.535433071 1.0187235    NA         
#> 70  0.543307087 1.0304217    NA         
#> 71  0.551181102 1.0423980    NA         
#> 72  0.559055118 1.0544670    NA         
#> 73  0.566929134 1.0664783    NA         
#> 74  0.574803150 1.0782861    NA         
#> 75  0.582677165 1.0897885    NA         
#> 76  0.590551181 1.1009017    NA         
#> 77  0.598425197 1.1115455    NA         
#> 78  0.606299213 1.1216750    NA         
#> 79  0.614173228 1.1312747    NA         
#> 80  0.622047244 1.1403269    NA         
#> 81  0.629921260 1.1488070    NA         
#> 82  0.637795276 1.1567479    NA         
#> 83  0.645669291 1.1641603    NA         
#> 84  0.653543307 1.1710358    NA         
#> 85  0.661417323 1.1773988    NA         
#> 86  0.669291339 1.1832637    NA         
#> 87  0.677165354 1.1886217    NA         
#> 88  0.685039370 1.1934526    NA         
#> 89  0.692913386 1.1977571    NA         
#> 90  0.700787402 1.2015064    NA         
#> 91  0.708661417 1.2046287    NA         
#> 92  0.716535433 1.2070980    NA         
#> 93  0.724409449 1.2088587    NA         
#> 94  0.732283465 1.2098206    NA         
#> 95  0.740157480 1.2099033    NA         
#> 96  0.748031496 1.2090525    NA         
#> 97  0.755905512 1.2071848    NA         
#> 98  0.763779528 1.2041634    NA         
#> 99  0.771653543 1.1999657    NA         
#> 100 0.779527559 1.1945193    NA         
#> 101 0.787401575 1.1877061    NA         
#> 102 0.795275591 1.1794845    NA         
#> 103 0.803149606 1.1698279    NA         
#> 104 0.811023622 1.1586708    NA         
#> 105 0.818897638 1.1459290    NA         
#> 106 0.826771654 1.1316380    NA         
#> 107 0.834645669 1.1157765    NA         
#> 108 0.842519685 1.0982561    NA         
#> 109 0.850393701 1.0791277    NA         
#> 110 0.858267717 1.0584076    NA         
#> 111 0.866141732 1.0360669    NA         
#> 112 0.874015748 1.0121059    NA         
#> 113 0.881889764 0.9866018    NA         
#> 114 0.889763780 0.9595880    NA         
#> 115 0.897637795 0.9310284    NA         
#> 116 0.905511811 0.9010651    NA         
#> 117 0.913385827 0.8697688    NA         
#> 118 0.921259843 0.8371865    NA         
#> 119 0.929133858 0.8034388    NA         
#> 120 0.937007874 0.7686737    NA         
#> 121 0.944881890 0.7330196    NA         
#> 122 0.952755906 0.6966100    NA         
#> 123 0.960629921 0.6596535    NA         
#> 124 0.968503937 0.6223314    NA         
#> 125 0.976377953 0.5848363    NA         
#> 126 0.984251969 0.5473860    NA         
#> 127 0.992125984 0.5101880    NA         
#> 128 1.000000000 0.4734611    NA