Extract multiple indices inside bracket(s) as a list

extract_index_nd(x, dim_names = NULL)



Character vector.


Optional character vector of dimension names. If dim_names is not NULL, if the elements of x don't have the same number of indices, the missing indices will be set to NA.


Dataframe with columns:

  • Variable, containing x where brackets have been removed

  • Index, a list containing values within the brackets. If dim_names is not NULL, Index is replaced by columns with names dim_names containing numeric values.


extract_index_nd(c("sigma", "sigma[1]", "sigma[1, 1]", "sigma[1][2]"))
#>   Variable Index
#> 1    sigma    NA
#> 2    sigma     1
#> 3    sigma  1, 1
#> 4    sigma  1, 2